Stephanie LeMenager (respondent) is Moore Endowed Professor of English at the University of Oregon. Working at the intersection of American Studies and the environmental humanities, she has been instrumental in the recent scholarly turn to sustainability. She is the author of Manifest and Other Destinies (U of Nebraska P, 2005), and, most recently, Living Oil: Petroleum Culture in the American Century(Oxford UP, 2014). Along with co-editing the collectionEnvironmental Humanities for the Twenty-First Century (Routledge, 2012) with Teresa Shewry and Ken Hiltner, she has co-founded the environmental humanities journal Resilience with Stephanie Foote, which engages centrally with questions of sustainability. LeMenager’s notable recent publications include “Nineteenth-Century American Literature without Nature? Rethinking Environmental Criticism,” The Oxford Handbook to Nineteenth-Century American Literature (Oxford UP 2011), “The Aesthetics of Petroleum, After Oil!,” American Literary History 24:1 (January 2012): 59-87, “Fossil, Fuel: Manifesto for the Post-Oil Museum,”Journal of American Studies 46 (Spring 2012): 375-394, and “The Sustainable Humanities,” co-authored with Stephanie Foote, PMLA127.3 (May 2012): 572-578. She is currently at work on a book called Weathering that focuses on the ecological value of writing in the era of climate collapse.